Our main languages for graphic design

For initial design lessons we teach in Adobe Creative Cloud. We also provide instruction in SketchUp and AutoCad for those who wish to pursue technical aspects of design and prototype engineering. 



This is the program that opens the doors for many students of bitmap image manipulation. It is the industry standard and the best place to start building your working knowledge of how to make photographs and images burst with magic.



For the drawing enthusiasts and print designers. Illustrator offers the crisp fidelity of vector graphics. Some students find the learning curve tricky, however once you begin to master Illustrator a world of creativity opens before you.



This is our primary layout program for creating publications such as YearBook and other professional reports for businesses. We encourage students to learn how to master managing type, images and illustrations in multi-layered design. 

Unit Core Concept - Overview for Students


above is a basic flow chart...

It helps students to understand the scope of the unit, what the overarching objectives and inquiries are, how to address them and what sort of questions to ponder..

This overview would be accompanied by an un-packinh process whereby the class uses it as a central planning document.


Sample of an Infographic in Progress


when analysing this model...

Have students focus on the layout, how various data sets are incorporated. What symbols, styles, palettes, images and geometry come together to tell the story.

How do students explore their visual story telling. What references and data sets are they incorporating to synthesize information.


core competencies that speak to this unit



Teaching graphics and specifically an infographic unit seamlessly addresses many of the core competencies benchmarks and objectives.

The above table highlights how students are to approach the self assessment part of the core, it also provides a model for students to use as a guideline. 


academic theory insights & highlights



We highlighted a variety of concepts and ideas from the writings of the academics which we read in 502.

Our objective was to challenge ourselves to be mindful of our main problem as articulated by Maxine Greene. We wanted to tackle practical approaches for incorporating the themes from the writings.

The table above pins key concepts from the writings which have been chosen to connect to larger complexities of pedagogical development through curriculum for a grade ten graphics unit plan.


Education Overview

The following three post secondary institutions formed the bulk of the formal education and technical training for Malov Communications. These schools provide a top teared educational experience and access to diverse communities comprised of talented human resources. It is an honour to be an alumni of these fine organisations.



BFA in Visual Arts with Honours Standing. UVic taught me to expand my understanding of presentation, formal artistic education and post modern dialogue. It provided a strong studio experience, rich with scholarship awarded creativity in sculpture, photography and painting. 



Diploma, Applied Information Technology. Capilano taught me how to use a computer. Steve Jobs just returned to Apple and we jumped on the dot com wave. Designing award winning online and print content. Capilano launched me into the fast paced digital revolution. Y2K was real man.



BEd Secondary Art Methods with Honours Standing. UBC taught me how to be a teacher. It is where I learned to develop lesson plans and manage classroom dynamics. Theory and care colliding 24/7. Completed my Masters from UBC to further my creativity and development of curriculum through the core competencies.